Looking for older momathome.com posts? (updated)

After my old self-hosted WordPress blog hosted by MediaTemple was compromised over the weekend (one of many)*, I exported the content (and removed the malicious injected link that started all the trouble) and redirected all traffic to judisohn.com and momathome.com to come here to my Posterous blog. It was a hasty decision that I don’t regret, but I had some debris to clean up that I didn’t get around to doing until today.

I tried to import all the old posts here. Just didn’t work. With nearly 2,000 posts and over 5,000 comments the standard importer would not have worked. After 5 days of waiting for the uploaded file to import, I gave up and imported the file to a WordPress.com site instead. Took a grand total of maybe 15 minutes. Apples to apples makes things easier, I guess. I search my own blog from time to time to spark my memory or remember a tip I shared. Nice to have it all back.

All the posts and comments are there. Unfortunately, I didn’t make sure that I had absolute paths to images and so any image hosted on old blog is now broken, and some much older posts that relied on text fomatting plug-ins I experimented with look funky now. I can live with that, at least for the time being. There’s also a few miscellaneous pages I have to find a new home. My hosting account with MediaTemple isn’t gone for good until the end of the year.

* MediaTemple makes it sound like folks who had their sites attacked hadn’t updated WordPress in years. In fact, I was running whatever was the previous version released in December 2009. Would I have been more secure with 3.0? Probably, but that had only been released a month earlier. A month! If you can’t wait even a month to decide whether you want to go to the latest and greatest then something is seriously wrong somewhere. That’s what I like about Posterous and even WordPress.com now…keeping my site free of malware and vulnerabilities is their problem which they seem to take seriously, not mine.

Update: I chose wisely. After 5 days, I tried a 2nd upload using the same file that went to WordPress.com. I just got an email that my blog finished importing. Great news! the email shown below told me. But when I went to the page to see if it the import was better than what I already put in WordPress.com…not so much.