Affliate links on A View from Home

If you’ve been to my site before, you may notice that I’ve reworked my sidebar a little bit. I’ve added a “Recommended” section. There you will see links to affiliate programs that I participate in.

When I added Adsense to this site over a year ago, I promised myself that I would never “write to the ads.” I would just keep doing what I’m doing and if it makes me some extra money, so be it. Sometimes it’s entertaining to see what Google thinks is relevant to my copy. Shows just how all-over-the-place I can be. Trust me, if I changed my blog to suit the ads this would be a very, very different blog.

I’ve been a member of the SixApart Professional Network since it began. The mailing list has been a great source of information. The company recently announced an affiliate program, and after giving it some thought (all 5 minutes worth) I decided to sign up. I recommend Movable Type when asked, so there’s no reason that I shouldn’t get a cut if someone signs up through me.

So there it is…more advertising on my site. But here’s my promise: I will only add links there for products/services that I would recommend to my mother and dearest friends. If the link is there, it’s because it’s for something I want to sell because it’s worth having, not because I’ll get a kick back for the sale.